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  2. Pause Between the Updates in 4K Stogram 4.7 Explained

Pause Between the Updates in 4K Stogram 4.7 Explained

Pause Between the Updates in 4K Stogram 4.7 Explained

As you know, we have recently released 4K Stogram 4.7 with multiple updates and improvements, including the introduction of the cool-down period. These changes are the result of multiple experiments and thorough testing conducted by our development team. The intent behind these updates is to provide a balanced, more stable experience for all our users.

The cool-down period feature is a necessary step to help you avoid the Instagram account issues. The cool-down period varies from one minute to five minutes. What’s more, it’s evenly distributed between the updates, and the average pause is three minutes.

To get the most out of your experience using 4K Stogram, you can try different update patterns: update pinned or update subscriptions manually, which is surely better than getting an account banned or flagged.

We will gather the statistics from the 4.7.0 version, and based on it, the developers will make a decision on how to improve the app further.

The developers are also planning to implement an option where users can change the intensity settings, which will change the cool-down period. Please note that in this case, if you choose risky intensity settings, we won’t be responsible for any consequences.

Note: We do not advise downgrading to a previous version. It can lead to database corruption and losing your subscriptions.

This post was originally published on our Reddit, so join our community there to never miss insights like this.

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